Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Tsvangirai and his acolytes were so confident that they were going to win the election. But to no one’s surprise they did not win. MDC-T resorted to its usual rhetoric of vote rigging and making void allegations to the effect that the elections were a ‘farce’.

We never head Tsvangirai and his party ever being ready for elections; ironically one of the key tenets of democracy is regular, free and fair elections. MDC-T wants elections, not on a regular basis but when they deem that they are ready, of which they have never been ready for the past five years.

MDC-T must face the fact that they are no longer as popular as they used to be a few years ago. The party alienated itself from the labour movement that gave birth to it. We thought the party was going to be a labour party modeled as the Labour party in Britain. Morgan Tsvangirai is still the president of the party thirteen years after its formation, yet he goes on to criticize President Mugabe alleging that he has been in power for too long.

Tsvangirai has been involved in a lot of sex scandals, even though his bedroom escapades are not our concern, he has to realize that he is a public figure and he must behave as such. Which country in the world would want to be identified with a head of state who is a womanizer? Maybe some of us do worse things than him, but at least we are not public figures. To put it simple, it was a catastrophe for his party.

MDC-T seems not be consistent, a clear sign that they do as their paymasters tell them to do. This was shown in Tsvangirai stance on homosexuality. He seemed not be in support of it then suddenly; he made a u turn and openly promoted it. As Africans such issues are taboo because we are from a different civilization from the western civilization. As a civilization we are identified by our own cultural values. Every aspiring president must be aware of that.

A politician does not have the privilege of speaking carelessly on public platforms. Unfortunately MDC-T politicians speak as they want. For example Solomon Madzore who has been arrested several times for his ‘loose tongue’ MDC-T is not a divine entity that can err and expect people to look the other side and pretend as if all is well.

After the elections that have been endorsed by SADC and AU as free and fair Roy Bennett was advising people to take the mass action route and cause civil disobedience. Baba Jukwa  posted on his facebook wall that people must destroy cars and properties that belongs to ZANU PF. He was mobilizing people to take up stones if they do not have guns. Yet he is not known, he operates in secrecy and his life and that of his family is safe. Yet he wants us to do the dirty work for him and his party. It shows the MDC-T has indeed run out of options.

The majority have spoken whether they have made a wrong decision or not is up to them. That is what democracy is all about. Some call it the tyranny of the majority. MDC-T must simply show political maturity by accepting the decision made by the people. Their defeat is going to be the end of their short political careers. This in my view is the end of the MDC-T and they must accept their fate
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